Our story

About Us

About Us

Pan Africanist Centre for Local Government Law are a research-based centre, focused on the development and enhancement of Local Government law, which comprises an avalanche of highly specialized branches of the law, which include the following:-

  • Public Procurement Law and Policy
  • Data Privacy Law – Protection of
  • Personal Information
  • Contracts Management
  • Information Communications Technology Law
  • Labour Law
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Engineering Law
  • Energy Law
  • Constitutional and Administrative Law and Much more

We offer highly specialized consulting services to Legal Practitioners, and Legal Managers in the Local Government Sector, inclusive of accredited training as and when required.

We have a dedicated team of highly accomplished Professors, Senior Lecturers, Legal Advisors and industry experts, from whom to draw solutions to complex legal issues.

We look forward to assisting you or your client, navigate a complex legal issue.

Mr. Surprise E Ngwane
Head of Applied Research

Research-Based Law Consultants

Our vision

Pan Africanist Centre for Local Government Law’s aim is to serve as a research hub for legal advisors, Attorneys, Advocates and Legal Managers within the local government sphere, providing research-based solutions to complex legal matters that present themselves in various areas of the law.

Assisting the legal/law industry

Who We Work For



Legal Advisors

Legal Managers

Let’s get started

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